Fay Farstad
Associate Professor, Associate Professor
Fay started in the department in October 2023, coming from a position as a Senior Researcher at CICERO Center for International Climate Research.
She has previously held positions as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Sheffield and Associate Lecturer at the University of York. Fay also has experience from government, having worked as a Senior Social Researcher in DEFRA in the UK and as a Senior Adviser for the Environment Agency in Norway. She has a PhD in Politics from the University of York (2017), MPhil in Environmental Policy from the University of Cambridge (2012) and a BA in Philosophy and Politics from the University of York (2011).
Fay’s research interests cover comparative environmental and climate politics and policy, also at the European Union level. A particular focus area is the role of political parties. From January 2024 she will be the Principal Investigator of a Researcher Project for Young Talents funded by the Norwegian Research Council called “Political Parties and Climate Change: Positions, Polarisation and Policy Relevance”. Fay is responsible for teaching the course “The Politics of the Environment” in the department.
Fay has published in a wide range of journals, such as Regulation and Governance, Party Politics, Global Environmental Change, Environmental Politics, Policy Studies, People and Nature and Political Quarterly (her article in the latter, co-authored with Neil Carter and Charlotte Burns, was the journal’s most read article in 2018). As well as authoring various book chapters, she is a co-author of the book “Norway’s EU Experience and Lessons for the UK” (Routledge). Her research has also been cited in the latest Working Group 3 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Fay regularly gives interviews to national and international media (online, print and radio) on climate politics, including the New York Times, Time Magazine, CNN, NRK, VG, Aftenposten, E24, Energi & Klima and Teknisk Ukeblad. She is also an editor and topic expert within the area of climate politics for The Great Norwegian Encyclopedia.
- Farstad, Fay Madeleine; Leiren, Merethe Dotterud; Lindberg, Marie Byskov et al. (2024). EUs klimaregelverk vedtatt: Hva nå for Norge?. (external link)
- Ross, Lone; Alfredsen, Gry; Bogstad, Marie Henriksen et al. (2023). Økt utnyttelse av trevirke og treavfall i Norge - Effekter på klima og samfunn. (external link)
- Farstad, Fay Madeleine (2022). EUs grønne giv: Status etter sommeren 2022 og mulige implikasjoner for Norge. (external link)
- Farstad, Fay Madeleine; Hermansen, Erlend Andre T.; Leiren, Merethe Dotterud et al. (2021). Klar for 55? EUs nye klimaregelverk og betydningen for Norge. (external link)
- Farstad, Fay Madeleine; Hermansen, Erlend Andre T.; van Oort, Bob et al. (2020). Forbudet mot nydyrking av myr: Bakgrunn, effekter og utfordringer. (external link)
- Linnerud, Kristin; Aamodt, Solveig; Lund, Marianne Tronstad et al. (2020). Helhetlig kunnskapsgrunnlag for klima og naturmangfold. (external link)
Popular scientific article
- Reed, Eilif Ursin; Aamodt, Solveig; Standal, Karina et al. (2024). Verden går til valg. (external link)
- Farstad, Fay Madeleine; Øistad, Knut; Knapskog, Marianne et al. (2022). EUs taksonomi – er norske aktører klare?. (external link)
- Hermansen, Erlend Andre T.; Farstad, Fay Madeleine; Kallbekken, Steffen et al. (2021). Hvordan kan Norge regne med skogen for å oppfylle klimamålet?. (external link)
Academic article
- Leiren, Merethe Dotterud; Farstad, Fay Madeleine (2024). EUs påvirkning på ikke-medlemmers autonomi: Norges og Storbritannias handlingsrom innenfor klima og energi. (external link)
- van Oort, Bob; Daloz, Anne Sophie; Andrew, Robbie et al. (2024). Ruminating on sustainable food systems in a net-zero world. (external link)
- Tobin, Paul; Farstad, Fay Madeleine; Tosun, Jale (2023). Intermediating climate change: the evolving strategies, interactions and impacts of neglected “climate intermediaries”. (external link)
- Tosun, Jale; Tobin, Paul; Farstad, Fay Madeleine (2023). Intermediating climate change: conclusions and new research directions. (external link)
- Farstad, Fay Madeleine; Hermansen, Erlend Andre T.; Grasbekk, Bård Sødal et al. (2022). Explaining radical policy change: Norwegian climate policy and the ban on cultivating peatlands. (external link)
- Farstad, Fay Madeleine; Aasen, Marianne (2022). Climate change doesn’t win you a climate election: party competition in the 2021 Norwegian general election . (external link)
- Farstad, Fay Madeleine; Tønnesen, Anders; Christensen, Ingrid et al. (2022). Metagoverning through intermediaries: the role of the Norwegian “Klimasats” Fund in translating national climate goals to local implementation. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Riddervold, Marianne; Fossum, John Erik; Lord, Christopher James et al. (2023). Autonomy and Wriggle Room. (external link)
- Trondal, Jarle; Svendsen, Øyvind; Saltnes, Johanne Døhlie et al. (2023). Flexible Association in Foreign, Security, and Defence Policy: A case of gradually diminishing autonomy?. (external link)
- Fossum, John Erik; Lord, Christopher James; Farstad, Fay Madeleine et al. (2023). Autonomy Under Complex Interdependence: The case of Norway and lessons for Brexit?. (external link)
- Trondal, Jarle; Svendsen, Øyvind; Saltnes, Johanne Døhlie et al. (2023). Global Trade and Development: The challenge of translating legal wriggle room into autonomy. (external link)
- Trondal, Jarle; Svendsen, Øyvind; Saltnes, Johanne Døhlie et al. (2023). Not Much Wriggle Room: Brexit and the Norway model. (external link)
- Farstad, Fay Madeleine (2021). Does size matter? Comparing the party politics of climate change in Australia and Norway. (external link)
Academic lecture
- Leiren, Merethe Dotterud; Farstad, Fay (2023). The European Green Deal and implications for non-member states . (external link)
- Leiren, Merethe Dotterud; Farstad, Fay Madeleine (2022). Post-Brexit climate and energy policy in the EU, UK and Norway: A new trilateral relationship?. (external link)
- Leiren, Merethe Dotterud; Farstad, Fay Madeleine (2022). Wriggle room of non-member states post-Brexit in climate and energy policy. (external link)
- Farstad, Fay Madeleine; Hermansen, Erlend Andre T.; Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2022). For better or for worse – a break with Norway’s consensual climate tradition? . (external link)
- Farstad, Fay Madeleine; Hermansen, Erlend Andre T.; Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2022). For better or for worse – a break with Norway’s consensual climate tradition?. (external link)
- Farstad, Fay Madeleine (2021). Hydrogen: muligheter og utfordringer. (external link)
- Farstad, Fay Madeleine; Hermansen, Erlend Andre T.; Søgaard, Gunnhild et al. (2021). EU, skog og arealbruk (LULUCF). (external link)
- Hermansen, Erlend Andre T.; Farstad, Fay Madeleine; van Oort, Bob et al. (2021). Jordbruksoppgjøret: Mat, penger og noe klima. (external link)
- Farstad, Fay Madeleine; Andreassen, Hege Fantoft (2021). Hydrogen i Europa – og Norges rolleHydrogen i Europa – og Norges rolle. (external link)
- Lahn, Bård Lappegård; Skodvin, Tora; Sælen, Håkon et al. (2021). Ny grønn giv med USA?. (external link)
- Andreassen, Hege Fantoft; Farstad, Fay Madeleine; Kallbekken, Steffen (2021). Bør lagring i skog telle mot klimamålet?. (external link)
- Lahn, Bård Lappegård; Farstad, Fay Madeleine (2021). Norway’s ‘Climate Election’ Puts Center-Left in Charge. (external link)